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Adax Customer Support Works With You Everyday

Professional, experienced, and always willing to roll up our sleeves to work with our customers is the Adax way. This automatic custormer support form is one more way we listen to our customers needs to give the quickest turnaround time for customer support.

Please fill out the following form and a support engineer will be respond immediately.

Have your Adax Questions Answered Here

This is a order form that will automatically go to Adax Customer Service

First Name:                    

Last Name:                     


PO Number:                     





Current Phone:                 

Fax Phone:                     


Pager Number:                  

Hardware Serial Number:        

Software Version Serial Number 

Service Contract Number:       

Is Product Under Warranty:     

Account Manager:               

Date of Purchase:              

Purchased from who:            

Operating System O/S:          

What Type of Computer:         

Adax SBX

Please type in your questions:

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